Monday, February 15, 2010

Going with the flow

So I'm not a big fan of winter.

I've never tried to keep my dislike of the cold slush a secret.

Winter does have its advantages: It hosts holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, which in turn means days away from the office and time spent visiting family.

And sure, it's pretty....

Until you can start driving again and the pure whiteness that blankets everything turns into mucky, grey slush.

I feel that despite the complaints unleashed mostly on my poor husband, I'm pretty good at going with the flow. I knew that Iowa was by no means tropical when we discussed moving here thee and a half years ago.

But this winter, though not necessarily colder, has brought with it the longest stretch of days with snow on the ground. (as shown in the photo of my driveway below)

I feel the anxiety rising, a sense of dread that I will never see green grass on my lawn. I want to get out and feel the wind on my face and the sense of panic in my stomach as I fly on my bike down the hill next to my house.

Please, please, please Spring arrive soon.

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