Friday, October 9, 2009

Why do I tri?

A sharpie is my war paint.

The airhorn is my battle cry.

I will take no prisoners.

Why do I tri?

It's a personal question. Some say it's for the competition, some for fitness, others say it's just for fun.

I tri for cancer.

It's how this started, and until it's wiped clean from this world, I will continue my war.

The race season is winding down, with only a 5k left on the horizon. It does not mean that my battle is over.

My first first-hand experience was losing my mother-in-law two years ago.

I dedicated the Pigman to her and raised over $1200 for cancer research in her memory.

It was two days after that race that I found out that my mom had begun her own battle.

My best friend.

The nerve to strike so close to home.

The audacity of cancer.

That's when I steeled my resolve to do this every year to raise money, wage my own private war.

My mom is doing well, I am happy to report, but my combat continues.

I'm taking a couple of weeks off from training, allowing for a recovery of sorts. But soon it will be back to the pool, to the track.

I'll be back in the saddle again.

I'll don my war paint.

Cancer will hear my battle cry.

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