Okay, so Saturday was day one of training. Despite having been to a Halloween party late the night before, I got myself out of bed at 7 am to get ready to head to the Y for my first swim lesson.
Yes. Swim lessons.
I can do a mean doggie paddle and even have the basics of a crawl down, but I don't think these skills are going to be very helpful come June. So swim lessons it is.
I threw all of my gear into a bag and was heading down stairs when I realized that I didn't have a lock for the lockers. A quick scramble through the house and I came to the conclusion that I was going to have to lock my wallet and phone in the car and just pray that no one felt compelled to steal my jeans and t-shirt. I didn't relish the thought of wandering through the lobby in my still dripping swimsuit and out into the 45 degree day just to drive home.
I signed in at the front desk since I didn't have a permanent membership card just yet and headed off to the locker room. I made it pool side with ten minutes to spare. (Sometimes I forget that we live in Iowa now and downtown is all of four minutes away from where we live.) The nice young lady manning the lifeguard station (at least, I assume that's what she was doing) very kindly told me that I was more than welcome to share a lane if I wished.
I quietly declined, telling her that I was there for the adult lessons. I mentally added that she really shouldn't wish that on someone just yet.
I waited, watching the ladies complete the last several minutes of the water aerobics class until 8 o'clock when they all climbed out of the pool and headed back towards the locker room. At that time the nice young lady asked me if I was sure that the class was supposed to begin at 8. "Yup, pretty sure," was my reply.
She picked up her phone and made a phone call, talking for a few minutes before turning back to me. For some reason I had been dropped off the roster, leaving only one other person in the class, so it had been cancelled. She asked for my name and number and told me that the instructor would be in contact with me. She added that I was more than welcome to a kick board, as that's what I would probably be doing for the first lesson anyway. I thanked her and headed back for the locker room.
The people at the front desk were amazing. Without bursting into tears, I explained the phone call by the pool and what I thought might have happened. I had signed up for lessons prior to becoming a member. On the day that I had given in and actually joined the Y, I was told that there would be a system credit for the difference between the member and non-member price of the swim lessons. It turned out that yes, they had removed me from the class a non-member and credited my account, but had forgotten to put me back in at the member rate. The guy at the front desk found all of the transaction records and printed them, gave me the names and numbers of people I should contact and told me that he would make sure they had the paperwork he had printed out.
I went home. I felt dejected. How was I going to meet my goal if I couldn't take the lessons?
On the ride home I went through some positive self-talk. Yes, this is crappy. Am I out? No. I'll just have to find a work around.
But it's day one of training and the plan had been to swim. That was now out; what else could I do? Run? Ugh. Bike? Oops! I hadn't thought to get a bike helmet. Crap, that was out. I guess it was going to be running.
I decided on the more discreet treadmill in our guest bedroom. I lacked form. I lacked stamina. I lacked the desire to look like a complete goober in front of a neighborhood full of physically fit people. Treadmill it was.
I had just gotten home and told my story to my husband when my cell phone rang. It was the Y. They had sorted it all out and lessons would begin next Saturday. Hurray! I wasn't going to drown during my first Tri! That re-inflated my sails a bit and pushed me to climb onto the treadmill.
I only made it running/jogging/walking for 20 minutes before I was exhausted and gave in. Considering all that happened that day, I considered it a minor success. I realize now that I need to have a better plan for the treadmill. I'll work on that this weekend.
As for Sunday, I'm off to buy a bike helmet.
16 years ago
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